

Unique Identifier: {92BA59FB-FC25-44C8-8565-FD9A5B1840B0}
Feature Attribute 1:
Name of Feature Attribute: OBJEKT
Attribute Definition: Kurzbezeichnung/Code für Waldtyp/Waldvegetation
Format: Text
Coded Value 1:
Attribute Label: Buchen-Tannenwald
Attribute Code: WBA
Definition: Buchen-Tannenwald
Coded Value 2:
Attribute Label: Weichholz-Aue (Grauerlen)
Attribute Code: WW
Definition: Weichholz-Aue (Grauerlen)
Coded Value 3:
Attribute Label: Grünerlengebüsch /-wald
Attribute Code: AGH
Definition: Grünerlengebüsch /-wald
Coded Value 4:
Attribute Label: Hartholz-Aue
Attribute Code: WH
Definition: Hartholz-Aue
Coded Value 5:
Attribute Label: Laub- und Laubmischwälder
Attribute Code: WL
Definition: Laub- und Laubmischwälder
Coded Value 6:
Attribute Label: Fichten-Föhrenwald
Attribute Code: WNFF
Definition: Fichten-Föhrenwald
Coded Value 7:
Attribute Label: Spirken-Föhrenwald
Attribute Code: WNFW
Definition: Spirken-Föhrenwald
Coded Value 8:
Attribute Label: Lärchenwiesen-Lärchenwald
Attribute Code: WNLA
Definition: Lärchenwiesen-Lärchenwald
Coded Value 9:
Attribute Label: Fichten-Tannenwald
Attribute Code: WNPA
Definition: Fichten-Tannenwald
Coded Value 10:
Attribute Label: Zirbenwald
Attribute Code: WNPC
Definition: Zirbenwald
Coded Value 11:
Attribute Label: Fichtenwald
Attribute Code: WNPW
Definition: Fichtenwald
Feature Attribute 2:
Name of Feature Attribute: NAME
Attribute Definition: Langbezeichnung für Waldtyp/Waldvegetation
Format: Text
This Geoportal was built using the using OpenSource Esri Geoportal Server by SynerGIS and Research Studios Austria.
CSW GetCapabilities